Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Journey

I looked my left and found no one there
I looked my right and found no one there
I found no one straight in front of me
I know there is no one behind me too.
I know I came alone to this world
I know I have to go alone from here
But does that mean I have to live alone
Why am I feeling ‘I am alone’?
Where I lost all my dear ones
Or is it something within me
Makes me think I lost all my dear one
No, I haven’t lost anyone, my dear ones
The one who loves me like how I do
They are with me always, now also
What I lost is some wrong perceptions
Perceptions about the one I thought closer
But through some hard and thorny way
Those thorns are hurting me, not that loneliness hurts  
Pains to leading me to goodness
Love to suffer more and more to reach there.

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