Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blind Blind, I am blind
Can’t see anything, I am blind
Help me someone help me to see
Is there anyone, anyone to help me
Show me the world around me
 Ohh, what’s that screaming I just heard
‘Help me’, ‘Help me’ was it like that
Move off from my way I have to reach there
Can’t see anything I am blind
Help me someone, help me to reach
 The scream getting louder and louder
I can’t wait time is running
Help him someone help him please
Cried out of my voice call the ambulance
No reply heard I, My sound echoing around
 Heard nothing, not even a foot step
Not I heard an ambulance siren.
Not evidence of any police van
Only heard the horn and raising engine
Flying pass beside me
 Scream getting feeble and feeble
I stand like helpless numb
Hard truth hitting hard on my heard
No one there to help him out
Terrible and cruel is his fate
 Scream is getting feeble and feeble
Feeble and stopped, stopped for ever
Fell two drops of tear from me
Seeing the awful people around
Don’t want to see this pathetic world.

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